📢 Atlas Broadcast
We've just rolled out Broadcast - a powerful tool to send announcements instantly to your preferred group of customers. Here’s what you get with the latest release:

Customizations in chat, search and associations
We're excited to share some new features we've added to Atlas this week, all designed to make your customer support experience even better.

Advanced reporting features
We've added some powerful feature updates to Atlas's reporting capabilities. Here's what's new:

Help center upgrades: making knowledge sharing simpler
We've added three new features to make your help center more effective and easier to manage. Here's what's new:

🎫 Ticket management upgrades

AI Launch Week, Day 5 🚀

AI Launch Week, Day 4 🚀

Changelog: AI Launch Week, Day 3 🚀

Changelog: AI Launch Week, Day 2 🚀

✍️ Convert Tickets into Help Center Articles